Check out our post for things to think about when seeking and discernng a new parish community.
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Opportunity for Engaged and Convalidation couples to assess their readiness for marriage and to assist them in understanding that marriage is a Vocation, a Covenant and a Sacrament. Marriage Preparation
Christus Ministries offers a variety of family-friendly liturgies and learning experiences that are interactive and hands-on for young children and their parents. All are welcome to participate in these dynamic events that foster domestic churches - “places for faith to become life, and life to grow in faith,” in the words of Pope Francis. Young Family Ministry
Join Miss Heidi for weekly celebration of the Liturgy of the Word including story, song, and a weekly coloring sheet. [Recommended for early elementary grades]Children’s Liturgy by
St.Monica Catholic Community posts videos for families to watch together that includes an interactive craft. [Recommended for elementary grades] Weekly Videos on Facebook
Office of Marriage and Family Life, LA-we support families through daily prayer and by striving to provide clergy, staff, volunteers and families themselves with the resources, training and support they need to live out God’s Plan for them as “little churches” of the home.
Build. Plant. Grow. is a free faith formation program for schools, parishes, and families. Engaging lesson plans pair scriptural readings with children's literature and experiential education.
BUILD.PLANT.GROW BY SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITYSt.Monica Catholic Community. The Thirty-Five Through Forties Ministry (TTF) is the adult group at St. Monica for singles and couples ages 35 through 49! TTF (35-49) (
Ignatian spirituality is a spirituality for everyday life. It insists that God is present in our world and active in our lives. It is a pathway to deeper prayer, good decisions guided by keen discernment, and an active life of service to others.
Drawing upon Maryknoll's charism and worldwide mission experience, we strive to create a culture of mission in the U.S. by fostering and accompanying communities of missionary disciples who are grounded in global solidarity as envisioned by Joy of the Gospel.
There are numerous retreat centers throughout Southern California, most of which have reopened, that you can visit: